About Me

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United States
Zoe a greek name, means life! 'The Bridge Across Forever ..' is an attempt to reach out to the junta. It brings out the creative best in me in the form of poetry and a dash of photography. My blog 'Food for the soul' is all about weaving day to day activities with something that suits my palate and I hope you'll enjoy it just as much as I do, putting it together for you!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Drifting apart

Leaves from a book,
Sailing throu' the brook,
Throu' June showers,
The kid lowers,
Paper boats;
Clothed in rain coats,
Kids frolic,
Throu' puddles rolick,
Boats that drift,
Throu' the rift,
Away and away,
Come what may,
A long way to go,
To their destinies and so,
As time passes by,
Drifting apart, but why?

© Zoe k

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