About Me

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United States
Zoe a greek name, means life! 'The Bridge Across Forever ..' is an attempt to reach out to the junta. It brings out the creative best in me in the form of poetry and a dash of photography. My blog 'Food for the soul' is all about weaving day to day activities with something that suits my palate and I hope you'll enjoy it just as much as I do, putting it together for you!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Many a times, not so long ago
I sat by this tree in the garden so green
Where the birds chirped, the squirrels hopped
And the majestic sun shone with all its glory.

In times of pain and times of joy,
The tree stood by me strong and calm,
Gently swaying with the breeze,
A mystical aura to me it lent.

And then came the lightening followed by the thunder,
But my tree stood there deeply rooted,
During the tempest I couldnt reach out,
And I prayed it wouldnt fall.

Many a storm came by,
And my tree survived them all.
But then there came a day,
When I lost my tree to the lumberjacks.

Now I've moved miles up north,
Far away from where my tree used to be,
Up into the sky I stare,
Wondering, where is my precious tree?

© Zoe K

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